Tuesday 10 April 2007


I've had braces for 2 weeks now and they're a frigging nightmare!! Let me list the pros and con's


I'll have no gaps at the end of my treatment.
I'm losing weight. (5lb so far)


I can't eat anything other than soups and really soft food;
I can't bite into anything;
I'm hungry all the time;
My teeth are sore, yellow (it's impossible to clean them properly), different lengths and apart from the front two, they're even more gappy than when I started the treatment!!
Even though I'll have no gaps at the end (apparently) I'll still have to wear a retainer forever.

I just want these braces out. :( I knew I'd have bad days but I didn't realise it'd be so soon. I hate the feel of them in my mouth, I'm not getting used to them like I thought I would. I feel like ripping them out of my mouth to be honest. I wish my dentist agreed to pulling my teeth out and giving me false ones. I can live with false teeth, it's no big deal. False teeth don't hurt, they're easy to clean and they don't move.

Ugh. My mouth is a MESS right now. I'm so depressed about it. I don't even see my dentist for another week yet so he can't set my mind at ease. Although I don't know what he could say to be honest. At least my teeth were the same length and nice and white before I started all this!!!

And another thing! I've been reading lots on the net lately about braces and so many people's teeth move back afterwards even when wearing their retainer. I'm not saying they move back to their original position but they move during the day and the retainer becomes tight to wear. Imagine that, you start off in the morning with perfect teeth and by tea time they're all gappy. Great. I just KNOW that's what'll happen with my teeth. False teeth are becoming more and more appealing .

Maybe I'll snap out of it, but before I had braces, I used to cry all the time and was so depressed about the state of my teeth. And now they're in a much worse state than when I started so you can imagine how I'm feeling now, I don't even want to leave the house. So far, I feel that getting braces has been a BIG mistake..........

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