Thursday 29 March 2007

Day 2

Evening all. Well it's been over 24 hours now since I had my braces put on. I could have sworn my teeth had moved during the night but I think that's just psychological and wishful thinking, lol.

Drinking tea is back to normal (can you imagine if I couldn't have a cuppa for 6 months?!!!! Doesn't bear thinking about! *shudder*). I still can't eat properly so I stocked up on soups today. It's the bloody bracket that tightens the brace that's the problem. It's really affected my bite so I can't bite down properly. And although my teeth don't really hurt (apart from a bit of pain when I woke up this morning which was soon cleared with the power of Nurofen), I cant put any pressure on my teeth so biting into things is a big no-no (and what daft idiot bought loads of hard food from Tesco's the other day?).

Cleaning my braces is a bit of a pain too. Every time I eat something I have to go and floss. God knows what it'll be like when I can actually eat what I want!

ANYWAY, barring some disaster like my braces falling off (has anyone else had that fear when they first got them?), I won't bother updating now till I go for my first tightening in 2 weeks time.

What fun!!

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