Tuesday 27 March 2007

The night before.....

Well then. Hello to you if you're reading this. After months of waiting, I finally get my braces tomorrow and I am SO excited!!

As you can see from the pic, my teeth are AWFUL. They never used to be like that but over the years they've moved considerably due to my gingivitis and it now looks like I have a graveyard in my mouth. I hate my teeth so much I even considered having them removed but my dentist talked me out of it, thank God! I apologise for the quality of the pic but it's the only one I have where I'm smiling with my mouth open.

Anyway, you will notice I also have a very gummy smile which my dentist is going to fix with a procedure called crown lengthening. He said my treatment will take 6 months so I figured I'd keep a blog and post updates and stuff. It'll be brilliant to look back at this in 6 months time.

So........in roughly 13 hours time I'll have my braces and I really, really can't wait!!!! I have no idea if I'll need rubber bands, or how often I'll need to clean them, or how many times I'll need to go back to have them tightened, or anything really, lol! All I know is it's going to hurt, but I don't care!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go Jayne!!! Keeping a blog really does help when you are making a huge personal change in your life and its good to have somewhere to vent your feelings! I look forward to seeing more smiley face photos from you shortly hun!

Take care xx