Saturday 31 March 2007

Day 4 - OMG!

OMG!! Look at the progress my teeth are making already! It's only been four days!!!!

Top pic is day 1, bottom pic is today.

Amazing, isn't it!!

Thursday 29 March 2007

Day 2

Evening all. Well it's been over 24 hours now since I had my braces put on. I could have sworn my teeth had moved during the night but I think that's just psychological and wishful thinking, lol.

Drinking tea is back to normal (can you imagine if I couldn't have a cuppa for 6 months?!!!! Doesn't bear thinking about! *shudder*). I still can't eat properly so I stocked up on soups today. It's the bloody bracket that tightens the brace that's the problem. It's really affected my bite so I can't bite down properly. And although my teeth don't really hurt (apart from a bit of pain when I woke up this morning which was soon cleared with the power of Nurofen), I cant put any pressure on my teeth so biting into things is a big no-no (and what daft idiot bought loads of hard food from Tesco's the other day?).

Cleaning my braces is a bit of a pain too. Every time I eat something I have to go and floss. God knows what it'll be like when I can actually eat what I want!

ANYWAY, barring some disaster like my braces falling off (has anyone else had that fear when they first got them?), I won't bother updating now till I go for my first tightening in 2 weeks time.

What fun!!

Wednesday 28 March 2007


Ugh. I can't eat. I just tried and it's impossible. For dinner this evening I had half a breadstick, half a tomato (and by that I mean I sucked the insides out, I couldn't manage the skin) and a bowl of cereal.

Oh well, looks like I'll lose weight as well so that's a bit of a hidden result, lol!

28 March 2007, Braces on!

Morning! I've just got back from the dentist and am now fully fitted with braces. As you can see, they don't actually look that bad, I imagined they'd be a lot worse than this so that's a good start! The only trouble I'm having right now is I can't get my top lip over them to close my mouth!! I made myself a cup of tea when I got home and I'm dribbling like a baby, lol. This is gonna take some practice!! I haven't even thought about eating yet, that's gonna be a nightmare. I think it'll be soft foods for a few days while I get used to the brackets in the back of my mouth which are preventing me from biting down properly. I'm sure it'll all calm down though. Oh and I don't have any elastic bands in my mouth which is frigging brilliant!!!

So far there's no pain but the dentist said it will really hurt this week so I've stocked up on Nurofen Plus. Bring it on!!!!

Tuesday 27 March 2007

The night before.....

Well then. Hello to you if you're reading this. After months of waiting, I finally get my braces tomorrow and I am SO excited!!

As you can see from the pic, my teeth are AWFUL. They never used to be like that but over the years they've moved considerably due to my gingivitis and it now looks like I have a graveyard in my mouth. I hate my teeth so much I even considered having them removed but my dentist talked me out of it, thank God! I apologise for the quality of the pic but it's the only one I have where I'm smiling with my mouth open.

Anyway, you will notice I also have a very gummy smile which my dentist is going to fix with a procedure called crown lengthening. He said my treatment will take 6 months so I figured I'd keep a blog and post updates and stuff. It'll be brilliant to look back at this in 6 months time. roughly 13 hours time I'll have my braces and I really, really can't wait!!!! I have no idea if I'll need rubber bands, or how often I'll need to clean them, or how many times I'll need to go back to have them tightened, or anything really, lol! All I know is it's going to hurt, but I don't care!